Sunday, March 1, 2009

Here's a couple good ones, since I've been slackin'

1. an intake of food or drink with a noisy sucking sound.

\lam-POON\, noun, verb:
1. a composition that imitates or misrepresents someone's style, usually in a humorous way
2. a light, good-humored satire

1. ridicule with satire

by 1645, from French lampon, of unknown origin, said by French etymologists to be from lampons "let us drink," popular refrain for scurrilous 17th century songs, from lamper "to drink, guzzle," a nasalized form of laper "to lap." The verb is first attested by 1657.

This was actually the word of the day at! Crazy!

1. the protuberance on the breast or udder in female mammals, except the monotremes, through which the milk ducts discharge; nipple or mammilla.

Monday, February 23, 2009


–verb (used with object)
1. to handle or touch lovingly, affectionately, or tenderly; caress: to fondle a precious object; to fondle a child.
2. Obsolete. to treat with fond indulgence.
–verb (used without object)
3. to show fondness, as by manner, words, or caresses.

1685–95; fond (v.)a


Saturday, February 21, 2009

~Finally~ a new AwkWORD!

I didn't mean to start slackin' off, but last week was a so busy, I think the only week that will top it is this coming one. But who really needs, ya know, sleep or food? I sure don't.


– the peanut. noun, South Midland and Southern U.S. Also called goober pea.

1825–35; of Afr orig.; cf. Kimbundu nguba peanut


Monday, February 16, 2009

AwkWORD of the Early Morning!

– verb (used with object), verb (used without object), -dled, -dling. Slang.
caress, fondle, or pet amorously.
Origin: 1855–60


Friday, February 13, 2009

Obligatory Fine Print II

Slang or "made-up" words ARE allowed, though I can't promise that they'll make it into the final piece because I reserve the right to narrow down the list if need be.

Relatively well-known slang words will most likely make the cut. If I have to Urban Dictionary it to find out what it means, it most likely won't.

AwkWORD of the day!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Winning Horse So Far

The word MOIST has been suggested a total of 5 times since I started this project two days ago.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AwkWORD of the day!


Obligatory Fine Print

I feel it's my duty to announce that although ALL submissions are certainly welcome, I won't be including any overtly graphic sexual or racist terminology in this piece. Obviously, racial slurs make people feel uncomfortable, and rightly so, but I'm not out to make some grand social statement ... I'm seeking rather to simply gross people out, or amuse them, and I think it would be inappropriate to include terms that a lot of people feel really strongly about within a context that isn't necessarily super serious.

So, submit away with that in mind. It's certainly interesting to see what people are saying.

(And thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU to all the people who have already submitted their words. Every additional word is additional inspiration!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I wanted to call this Awkword.blogspot but that was taken

Like the description says, I'm compiling a list of words that make people feel uncomfortable, which will be the focus of my senior exhibition project at the end of this April.

I'm not yet sure what the form of the piece will be, but I'll be sure to post updates as it comes along.

So comment away and give me submissions! No word is too weird, too dirty, too silly or too normal. The point of the project is to AMUSE, so what one person finds uncomfortable, another person might find totally innocuous.

I'll start: I can't stand the word SALINE.